Thursday, September 14, 2017

What do you want out of life?

Be  thou  my  strong  habitation,  whereunto  I may  continually  resort...For  You  are  my hope;  O  Lord  GOD,  You  are  my  confidence from my youth.” (Psalm 71:3,5)

What do you want from God? What does God want from you?  In modern days God has revealing Himself in a fresh way.  It is a new day but God remains the same.  He is immutable.  His methods to draw us have changed but His undying love for us remains the same and His desire for intimate relationship with His people only deepens with time.  As God pours fresh oil upon us, we sense  God's  love  and  presence  as  we  humble  ourselves before Him and we change as a result of his drawing. What is enthralling to me is  that  the  posture  in  worship  seems  to  be  not  so  much what we can get from God, but what we give to God in true adoration.  I am convinced that every person desires to experience the divine.  So many search for something more than the immediate present of the day to day connundrums of life. {insert link here to read further on blog page]
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How can we experience nirvana within the Christian experience?   He  has  done  so  much  for  us  already  that  our posture should be that of showing love to the ultimate lover our souls.  During this latter rain, God will indeed fulfill His promises to us, for as the preacher said ―A Promise is a promise, is a promise.  As we await and  prepare  for  the manifestation of the promise, let us bask at His feet as He fills  us,  changes  us,  molds  us,  builds  up  some  things  and casts down others for the enhancement of His reputation in our lives. This   opportunity   to   experience   intimacy   with   God   is available  to  us  because  God,  as  the  initiator  of  worship, continually  calls  out  to  us  to  be  near  Him  and  commune with  Him.  The  believer  chooses  to  worship  God  as  a response  to  that  call.  The  Bible  ensures  that  "none  come unto God unless the Spirit draws him."Amidst all that is going on in the world, it is God's delight to have  an intimate  relationship  with  His  people.  As far back as    the    Garden    of    Eden,   Adam    is    said    to   have communed  with God every day in the "cool of the day."

Throughout the Bible, we see God's plan unfolding to draw us back to Himself and to have a people that will allow Him to  be  the  focal  point  of our worship and  much  more,  the focal point of our lives. With God's provision, however, He does  not  coerce  or  force  us  to  respond.  Instead,  it  is  a discipline in  which  we  reverberate,  "I WILL bless  the  Lord at  all  times,  and  His  praise  shall  continually  be  in  my mouth." When we sit and pout, refusing to give God glory, we are simply refusing His invitation to us. As believers, we unwittingly  shun  His  love,  mercy  and  grace  that  He  has freely  given  to  us.  God  is  calling  us  to  worship  Him privately and corporately. He wants us to move beyond the exhilaration  we  feel  in  worship  and  worship  because  we love  Him  beyond  compare  and  want  to  fill our  hearts  with an intimacy that no one else can –to touch us in the secret parts and be made whole. Each  believer  must  make  a  conscious  effort  to  worship when  we feel like it and  when  we don't.  This discipline is an  act of  obedience  to  our  Lord.  While the  feeling  of worship  can  be  breathtaking,  the  discipline  of  worship should not be ignored.

 Oh  Lord,  May  our  fellowship  with  You  be  our  continual habitation.