Monday, June 28, 2010

Lesson Learned

As I think about what the sphere is for this blog, the Lord has given a word of caution. First, not to reflect on the actions of others and my superiors. He has cautioned me not to be critical of my leaders and those in authority but rather to reflect upon my own growth in the process of bringing to maturity in ministry. When we are critical of leaders, we are saying that God doesn't know what He is doing for He is ultimately the one who allowed that leader to be in place. When we have such criticism, we are saying that we can do a much better job that God and that just can't be true.

When things are not to our liking we must bathe our attitudes and dispositions in prayer. We don't want to be found self righteous and foolish in the sight of God, so even though we may not understand God's methods, our adverse situations should push us to seek the face of God that He may help us learn the lesson He is teaching us.

The second thing He is helping me to see (which corresponds with the first) is to have honor for authority. A preacher I heard this weekend said that honor means "not to treat as common". I was like WOW! You mean that when we try to get buddy buddy with our pastors and leaders that we are treating them as common... like a friend. Well, the bible says that we are to give honor to whom honor is due and this is not predicated on whether we think they deserve our honor or whether they have earned our respect, it is because God has placed them in a specific place of authority whether we agreed to it, voted for them, went to high school with them, or knew them before they were appointed to authority.

That's what God showed me this weekend. Thanks God because when He shows us something, its for our good and that of the ministry.

Friday, June 25, 2010

New Opportunities

Today is a new day. Yesterday someone offered me the opportunity to minister at their church. Funny how those outside can appreciate what God is doing in your life while those in your own church, the ministry you pay tithes to, do not readily acknowledge whats going on in your life. I choose not to be bitter about it because it is indeed a choice. We serve a big God who is able to work miracles. Also, just because we have a particular area of gifting doesn't always mean it is for this particular season. God can change up circumstances and situations to place you right where he wants us and where we can bring Him the most glory.

I guess it comes to recognizing why you possess a gift in the first place and a lot of times God has to work on us a lot - our motives, attitudes, way of thinking, how we deal with others - before He can use us to bring about the most good for His glory. Sometimes we get it twisted. We think we are more anointed, more knowledgeable than others and God has to bring us down a peg or two before we are placed in meaningful ministry - the ministry He has called us to. But I am glad for the opportunity to minister in another part of the vineyard. I just need to make sure I'm prepared and ready for what He wants to do through this open door.

Its also good to get out and see what others are doing in ministry. Sometimes we get so boxed into our own little world and never venture out beyond our home church. Its good to fellowship and see other perspectives and another way of doing things. Some people call it networking.... maybe so, but there is value in sharing. You can bounce ideas off others and see if you are balanced for kingdom work. Who knows... maybe there is a better idea than yours LOL! (okay mine).

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Starting Out

Well, here we go. I've been wanting to do this blog for some time now. A blog that consists of my daily struggles as a new minister, trying to balance what I think is right . When I first embarked upon ministry, I thought everything was spiritual. Those in ministry I sometimes see it as a battle for control. Its really sickening the games played at church, but at the same time I feel a sense that God wants to use me to bring balance. I once heard an adage, that reflected that you should be a part of the answer to the problems we experience, well that takes a lot of faith in God, a lot of hearing from God for His direction and I am just starting this journey of obedience. Won't you join me for an interesting learning experience as I seek to follow Him. There will be a lot of venting I'm sure, but who can I talk to but God and you guys in cyberspace.